CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance / Moment of Silence B. Reading of Board Goals
Announcements / Communications
Announcements / Communications Recognition of Schools, Students and Staff
PUBLIC COMMENT SECTION Comments from visitors who complete a card requesting to address Board Members. A. Agenda Related Topic
CONSENT / CONFIRMATION AGENDA ITEMS Submitted for Action and/or Information A. Minutes of August 9, August 23 and September 3, 2021 Meetings Action Item B. Human Resources Report Action/Information Item C. Recommended Specified Best Value/Low Bids, Contracts and Cumulative Purchases Action/Information Item Part A: New Bids - For Approval Miscellaneous Consultant Services Data Center Refresh EA, Compute, WiFi, DNS Part B: Bid Renewals - For Approval None Part C: Contract Information (Greater than $100,000) - For Approval Dallas County Appraisal District - appraising property in the county Longhorn Bus Sales - 77-passenger buses, 8 each (BuyBoard 630-20) Footsteps to Brilliance - Instructional Software to support biliteracy development in grades Pre-K through 3rd. Purchase is a 5 year license (Choice Partners 21/016KN-07) Interior Resources Group - Teacher mobile sit/stand desk (Omnia Partners R191808) PBK Architects, Inc. - Field turf installations for baseball and softball at Lake Highlands, Berkner, and Richardson High Schools Savvas - Digital and print textbooks for AP Physics (RISD Bid # 21-121) Communities In Schools - Consultants providing direct program and related social services for at-risk students at Audelia Creek Elementary, Northlake Elementary, Northrich Elementary, Bukhair Elementary, Greenwood Hills Elementary, Spring Valley Elementary, Mark Twain Elementary, Stults Elementary, Forest Lane Academy, Thurgood Marshall Elementary, Aiken Elementary, Stults Road Elementary, Skyview Elementary, Prestonwood Elementary, Dover Elementary, Apollo JH, Lake Highlands JH, Forest Meadow JH, Richardson West JH, Parkhill JH, Liberty JH, Westwood JH, Lake Highlands HS, L.V. Berkner HS, J.J. Pearce HS, Richardson North JH, and Richardson HS, through June 30, 2022. STAR Autism Support - Provide professional consulting, workshops, staff training, and parent training services, per grant awarded to RISD 2021-2022. Texas Air Systems - Replacement of three boiler units at Lake Highlands High School (BuyBoard 609-20) Baun Intertec - Geotechnical services JJPHS (Professional Services) Flyleaf Publishing - Decodeable readers and teacher lesson resources for small group reading (BuyBoard 609-20) Pioneer Valley Books - Word Study Kits for small group phonics (RISD Bid #1605) Netsync Network Solutions - APC Service 5 years (DIR-CPO-4430) Bonfire Interactive LTD - 5 year renewal for e-procurement system (DIR-TSO-4363) Part D: Interlocal Agreements, Memorandums of Understanding, and Other - For Approval Interlocal Agreements: CFB ISD - CDL Skills Test facilitation Memorandums of Understanding: Between RISD and Education Service Center Region 11 Other: None Part E: Contracts, Contract Modifications & Change Orders: Less than $100,000 (Information Only) IdentiFIE Special Education on behalf of Olivia Perez - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Soliant Health on behalf of Catherine Mathews - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Supplemental Health Care on behalf of Tzu-Jung Chong - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Crossley Psychological Services, PLLC - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Soliant Health on behalf of Delsa Hughes - Support RISD's Speech Language Pathology Team, collaboration with campus teams, attendance in RtI meetings, comprehensive speech language therapy, writing IEPs, updating progress and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Soliant Health on behalf of Belinda Carson - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Soliant Health on behalf of Danise Spiva - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. National Recruiting Consultants, LLC - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Program Evaluation & Educational Research Solutions (PEERS), Evaluator: Eleazar Ramirez - Provide bilingual LSSP support to the evaluation staff, through December 31, 2021. Soliant Health on behalf of Tammy Williams - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. East Texas Educational Contracting - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Soliant Health on behalf of Jordan Atchison - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Catholic Charities Diocese of Ft. Worth - Translation/Interpretation services. Soliant Health on behalf of Jessica Reyes - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Templeton Demographics - Perform a demographic study - Ten-Year enrollment forecast. (through January 31, 2022) Supplemental Health Care on behalf of Anne Marden - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Supplemental Health Care on behalf of Sharon Thibodeau - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Jan Doughman - Assist Instructional Technology with distribution of new devices for teachers and students. Kollar Educational Consulting, LLC on behalf of Tina Kollar - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Jana Schofield - Support RISD's Speech Language Pathology Team, collaboration with campus teams, attendance in RtI meetings, comprehensive speech language therapy, writing IEPs, updating progress and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. JRB Consulting - Assist with update and maintenance of the Instructional Operating Guide (IOG) Nola LTD - Event rental space for April 9, 2022 Shruti Mehta - Consultant will assist with the development of data integrations for various 3rd party vendors, the maintenance and enhancement of the ODS structures, maintaining and developing data warehouse reporting to extend the functionality of the Data Warehouse and maintaining and enhancing PL/SQL ETLs, through June 30, 2022. Melanie Klutts dba MK Consulting - Review all previously written ELAR?SLAR assessments for TEK alignment and STAAR alignment. Write and translate assessments for genres not previously tested, translate all answer documents, align all ELAR and SLAR assessments to district curriculum documents, upload and organize work product to shared drive, through May 1, 2022. Lead4ward, LLC - STAAR4Ward for Leaders Planning Workshop, Presenter, Brad Gibson. (September 10-14, 2021) Amanda Harrison - Marching Band Color Guard Director/Technician. (PHS) Paul Jacob Mooney - Marching Band Color Guard Director/Technician. (RHS) Part F: Cumulative Purchases - Information Only Cumulative Purchases from Qualified Vendors: Buy Board - Texas Association of School Boards CCGPF - Collin County Governmental Purchasing Forum CPGPC - Choice Partners DIR - State of Texas Department of Information Resources EPCNT - Education Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas ESC - Educational Service Center SOURCEWELL - Sourcewell (previously NJPA) OMNIA Partners - TCPN/IPA/US Communities PACE - Purchasing Association of Cooperative Entities PPPCP - Prospering Pals TIPS - The Interlocal Purchasing System TPASS - Texas Procurement and Support Services D. Schedule of Upcoming Bids Information Item E. Bond Expenditure Report Information Item F. Budget Status Report Action Item G. Consider T-TESS Appraisers for 2021-2022 Action Item H. Consider Amendment to COVID-19 Leave Resolution Action Item
ACTION / INFORMATION ITEMS Consider Adoption of Tax Rate Action Item
Consider Gifts Action Item
COVID-19 Task Force Update Information Item
2021-2022 RISD Accelerated Learning Plan Information Item
PUBLIC COMMENT SECTION A. Non-Agenda Related Topic
Senate Bill 1882 Partnership - Dallas College / Board Policy Update - ELA (Local) - 1st Reading Information Item
VI. ENTER CLOSED MEETING in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, including but not limited to Section 551.071 - Consultation with Attorney. A. Real Property B. Litigation Update VII. RECONVENE Open Meeting to vote on matters considered in Closed Meeting, if applicable. VIII. ADJOURNMENT
CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance / Moment of Silence B. Reading of Board Goals
Announcements / Communications
Announcements / Communications Recognition of Schools, Students and Staff
PUBLIC COMMENT SECTION Comments from visitors who complete a card requesting to address Board Members. A. Agenda Related Topic
CONSENT / CONFIRMATION AGENDA ITEMS Submitted for Action and/or Information A. Minutes of August 9, August 23 and September 3, 2021 Meetings Action Item B. Human Resources Report Action/Information Item C. Recommended Specified Best Value/Low Bids, Contracts and Cumulative Purchases Action/Information Item Part A: New Bids - For Approval Miscellaneous Consultant Services Data Center Refresh EA, Compute, WiFi, DNS Part B: Bid Renewals - For Approval None Part C: Contract Information (Greater than $100,000) - For Approval Dallas County Appraisal District - appraising property in the county Longhorn Bus Sales - 77-passenger buses, 8 each (BuyBoard 630-20) Footsteps to Brilliance - Instructional Software to support biliteracy development in grades Pre-K through 3rd. Purchase is a 5 year license (Choice Partners 21/016KN-07) Interior Resources Group - Teacher mobile sit/stand desk (Omnia Partners R191808) PBK Architects, Inc. - Field turf installations for baseball and softball at Lake Highlands, Berkner, and Richardson High Schools Savvas - Digital and print textbooks for AP Physics (RISD Bid # 21-121) Communities In Schools - Consultants providing direct program and related social services for at-risk students at Audelia Creek Elementary, Northlake Elementary, Northrich Elementary, Bukhair Elementary, Greenwood Hills Elementary, Spring Valley Elementary, Mark Twain Elementary, Stults Elementary, Forest Lane Academy, Thurgood Marshall Elementary, Aiken Elementary, Stults Road Elementary, Skyview Elementary, Prestonwood Elementary, Dover Elementary, Apollo JH, Lake Highlands JH, Forest Meadow JH, Richardson West JH, Parkhill JH, Liberty JH, Westwood JH, Lake Highlands HS, L.V. Berkner HS, J.J. Pearce HS, Richardson North JH, and Richardson HS, through June 30, 2022. STAR Autism Support - Provide professional consulting, workshops, staff training, and parent training services, per grant awarded to RISD 2021-2022. Texas Air Systems - Replacement of three boiler units at Lake Highlands High School (BuyBoard 609-20) Baun Intertec - Geotechnical services JJPHS (Professional Services) Flyleaf Publishing - Decodeable readers and teacher lesson resources for small group reading (BuyBoard 609-20) Pioneer Valley Books - Word Study Kits for small group phonics (RISD Bid #1605) Netsync Network Solutions - APC Service 5 years (DIR-CPO-4430) Bonfire Interactive LTD - 5 year renewal for e-procurement system (DIR-TSO-4363) Part D: Interlocal Agreements, Memorandums of Understanding, and Other - For Approval Interlocal Agreements: CFB ISD - CDL Skills Test facilitation Memorandums of Understanding: Between RISD and Education Service Center Region 11 Other: None Part E: Contracts, Contract Modifications & Change Orders: Less than $100,000 (Information Only) IdentiFIE Special Education on behalf of Olivia Perez - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Soliant Health on behalf of Catherine Mathews - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Supplemental Health Care on behalf of Tzu-Jung Chong - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Crossley Psychological Services, PLLC - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Soliant Health on behalf of Delsa Hughes - Support RISD's Speech Language Pathology Team, collaboration with campus teams, attendance in RtI meetings, comprehensive speech language therapy, writing IEPs, updating progress and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Soliant Health on behalf of Belinda Carson - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Soliant Health on behalf of Danise Spiva - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. National Recruiting Consultants, LLC - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Program Evaluation & Educational Research Solutions (PEERS), Evaluator: Eleazar Ramirez - Provide bilingual LSSP support to the evaluation staff, through December 31, 2021. Soliant Health on behalf of Tammy Williams - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. East Texas Educational Contracting - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Soliant Health on behalf of Jordan Atchison - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Catholic Charities Diocese of Ft. Worth - Translation/Interpretation services. Soliant Health on behalf of Jessica Reyes - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Templeton Demographics - Perform a demographic study - Ten-Year enrollment forecast. (through January 31, 2022) Supplemental Health Care on behalf of Anne Marden - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Supplemental Health Care on behalf of Sharon Thibodeau - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Jan Doughman - Assist Instructional Technology with distribution of new devices for teachers and students. Kollar Educational Consulting, LLC on behalf of Tina Kollar - Support RISD's Evaluation staff to include, but not limited to, educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. Jana Schofield - Support RISD's Speech Language Pathology Team, collaboration with campus teams, attendance in RtI meetings, comprehensive speech language therapy, writing IEPs, updating progress and attendance of ARD meetings, through December 31, 2021. JRB Consulting - Assist with update and maintenance of the Instructional Operating Guide (IOG) Nola LTD - Event rental space for April 9, 2022 Shruti Mehta - Consultant will assist with the development of data integrations for various 3rd party vendors, the maintenance and enhancement of the ODS structures, maintaining and developing data warehouse reporting to extend the functionality of the Data Warehouse and maintaining and enhancing PL/SQL ETLs, through June 30, 2022. Melanie Klutts dba MK Consulting - Review all previously written ELAR?SLAR assessments for TEK alignment and STAAR alignment. Write and translate assessments for genres not previously tested, translate all answer documents, align all ELAR and SLAR assessments to district curriculum documents, upload and organize work product to shared drive, through May 1, 2022. Lead4ward, LLC - STAAR4Ward for Leaders Planning Workshop, Presenter, Brad Gibson. (September 10-14, 2021) Amanda Harrison - Marching Band Color Guard Director/Technician. (PHS) Paul Jacob Mooney - Marching Band Color Guard Director/Technician. (RHS) Part F: Cumulative Purchases - Information Only Cumulative Purchases from Qualified Vendors: Buy Board - Texas Association of School Boards CCGPF - Collin County Governmental Purchasing Forum CPGPC - Choice Partners DIR - State of Texas Department of Information Resources EPCNT - Education Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas ESC - Educational Service Center SOURCEWELL - Sourcewell (previously NJPA) OMNIA Partners - TCPN/IPA/US Communities PACE - Purchasing Association of Cooperative Entities PPPCP - Prospering Pals TIPS - The Interlocal Purchasing System TPASS - Texas Procurement and Support Services D. Schedule of Upcoming Bids Information Item E. Bond Expenditure Report Information Item F. Budget Status Report Action Item G. Consider T-TESS Appraisers for 2021-2022 Action Item H. Consider Amendment to COVID-19 Leave Resolution Action Item
ACTION / INFORMATION ITEMS Consider Adoption of Tax Rate Action Item
Consider Gifts Action Item
COVID-19 Task Force Update Information Item
2021-2022 RISD Accelerated Learning Plan Information Item
PUBLIC COMMENT SECTION A. Non-Agenda Related Topic
Senate Bill 1882 Partnership - Dallas College / Board Policy Update - ELA (Local) - 1st Reading Information Item
VI. ENTER CLOSED MEETING in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, including but not limited to Section 551.071 - Consultation with Attorney. A. Real Property B. Litigation Update VII. RECONVENE Open Meeting to vote on matters considered in Closed Meeting, if applicable. VIII. ADJOURNMENT