CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance / Moment of Silence B. Reading of Board Goals
Announcements / Communications
Announcements / Communications Recognition of Schools, Students and Staff
PUBLIC COMMENT SECTION A. Agenda Related Topic B. Non-Agenda Related Topic
CONSENT / CONFIRMATION AGENDA ITEMS Submitted for Action and/or Information A. Minutes of February 8, 2021 and February 22, 2021 Action Item B. Human Resources Report Action/Information Item C. Recommended Specified Best Value/Low Bids, Contracts and Cumulative Purchases Action/Information Item Part A: New Bids - For Approval Miscellaneous Consultant Services Armored Car and Bank Courier Services E-Rate Category Two Products and Services (470 #210004973) Document Management Services - Student Services Department Construction Mgr-at-Risk - Forest Meadow Jr. High Construction Mgr-at-Risk - Administration Building Part B: Bid Renewals - For Approval None Part C: Contract Information (Greater than $100,000) - For Approval None Part D: Interlocal Agreements, Memorandums of Understanding, and Other - For Approval Interlocal Agreements: None Memorandums of Understanding: Region 10 - Reading Academies TEA Grant Project Other: None Part E: Contracts, Contract Modifications & Change Orders: Less than $100,000 (Information Only) Soliant Health Inc./Roland Flood Lewis - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Evaluation staff to include but not limited to educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 Soliant Health Inc./Danise Spiva - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Evaluation staff to include but not limited to educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 Soliant Health Inc./Belinda Carson - To provide SPED counseling services to RISD students, including direct and consultant, evaluation and report writing ARD attendance and record keeping per state, federal, and district guidelines Soliant Health Inc./Tammy Williams - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Evaluation staff to include but not limited to educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 Summit Speech Therapy, PLLC/ Lisa Beck - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Speech Language Pathology Team to include but not limited to collaboration with campus teams, attendance in RtI meetings, comprehensive speech language therapy, writing IEPs, updating progress and attendance in ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 Program Evaluation & Educational Research Solutions (PEERS)/ Eleazar Ramirez - Provide bilingual LSSP support for the evaluation staff. Term ending 6/11/21 IdentiFie Special Education LLC./ Olivia Perez - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Evaluation staff to include but not limited to educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 SHC Services, Inc./ Mary Ann Lowry - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Evaluation staff to include but not limited to educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 Soliant Health Inc./ Catherine Mathews - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Evaluation staff to include but not limited to educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 Soliant Health Inc./ Jessica Reyes - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Evaluation staff to include but not limited to educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 East Texas Educational Contracting P.C./ Christine R. Cohen - To provide support to RISD's Evaluation Staff to include but not limited to education assessment, report writing, and attendance in ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 SHC Services, Inc./ Anne Marden - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Evaluation staff to include but not limited to educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 SHC Services, Inc./ Neely Armstrong - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Evaluation staff to include but not limited to educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 SHC Services, Inc. /Maggie Engels - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Speech Language Pathology Team to include but not limited to collaboration with campus teams, attendance in RtI meetings, comprehensive speech language therapy, writing IEPs, updating progress and attendance in ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 Kollar Educational Consulting, LLC / Tina Kollar - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Evaluation staff to include but not limited to educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 SHC Services, Inc./ Sandi Huessner - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Speech Language Pathology Team to include but not limited to collaboration with campus teams, attendance in RtI meetings, comprehensive speech language therapy, writing IEPs, updating progress and attendance in ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 R10 ESC - CARES Act PNP Cooperative (2020-2021) Andres Fuentes - To provide otological screening for students referred who are identified as hearing impaired and are provided services through the Deaf Education Program in RISD. Term ending 6/4/2021 QBS Inc. - Behavioral Safety Training to central office staff trainers Childrens Hospital Medical Center - Amendment to contract dated November 16, 2016 for technical assistance for implementation of Project SEARCH Part F: Cumulative Purchases - Information Only Cumulative Purchases from Qualified Vendors: Buy Board - Texas Association of School Boards CCGPF - Collin County Governmental Purchasing Forum CPGPC - Choice Partners DIR - State of Texas Department of Information Resources EPCNT - Education Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas ESC - Educational Service Center NCPA - National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance SOURCEWELL - Sourcewell (previously NJPA) OMNIA Partners - TCPN/IPA/US Communities PPPCP - Prospering Pals TCCPP - Tarrant County Cooperative Purchasing Program TIPS - The Interlocal Purchasing System TPASS - Texas Procurement and Support Services D. Schedule of Upcoming Bids Information Item E. Bond Expenditure Report Information Item F. Budget Status Report Information Item G. Monthly Financial Statements Information Item H. Superintendent's Delegated Authority During 2021 Winter Storm and Aftermath - Revised Resolution Action Item
ACTION / INFORMATION ITEMS Superintendent Update 1. COVID-19 Response 2. Inclement Weather Update 3. Update on Equity
Consider TEA Missed School Days Waiver
Consider 2021 - 2022 Calendar
Consider Gifts
2021 - 2022 Budget Discussion
Middle of the Year (MOY) Board Goals Update
V. ENTER CLOSED MEETING in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, including but not limited to Section 551.071 - Consultation with Attorney and Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters. A. Superintendent Evaluation VI. RECONVENE in Open Meeting to vote on matters considered in Closed Meeting, if applicable. IX. ADJOURNMENT
CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance / Moment of Silence B. Reading of Board Goals
Announcements / Communications
Announcements / Communications Recognition of Schools, Students and Staff
PUBLIC COMMENT SECTION A. Agenda Related Topic B. Non-Agenda Related Topic
CONSENT / CONFIRMATION AGENDA ITEMS Submitted for Action and/or Information A. Minutes of February 8, 2021 and February 22, 2021 Action Item B. Human Resources Report Action/Information Item C. Recommended Specified Best Value/Low Bids, Contracts and Cumulative Purchases Action/Information Item Part A: New Bids - For Approval Miscellaneous Consultant Services Armored Car and Bank Courier Services E-Rate Category Two Products and Services (470 #210004973) Document Management Services - Student Services Department Construction Mgr-at-Risk - Forest Meadow Jr. High Construction Mgr-at-Risk - Administration Building Part B: Bid Renewals - For Approval None Part C: Contract Information (Greater than $100,000) - For Approval None Part D: Interlocal Agreements, Memorandums of Understanding, and Other - For Approval Interlocal Agreements: None Memorandums of Understanding: Region 10 - Reading Academies TEA Grant Project Other: None Part E: Contracts, Contract Modifications & Change Orders: Less than $100,000 (Information Only) Soliant Health Inc./Roland Flood Lewis - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Evaluation staff to include but not limited to educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 Soliant Health Inc./Danise Spiva - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Evaluation staff to include but not limited to educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 Soliant Health Inc./Belinda Carson - To provide SPED counseling services to RISD students, including direct and consultant, evaluation and report writing ARD attendance and record keeping per state, federal, and district guidelines Soliant Health Inc./Tammy Williams - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Evaluation staff to include but not limited to educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 Summit Speech Therapy, PLLC/ Lisa Beck - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Speech Language Pathology Team to include but not limited to collaboration with campus teams, attendance in RtI meetings, comprehensive speech language therapy, writing IEPs, updating progress and attendance in ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 Program Evaluation & Educational Research Solutions (PEERS)/ Eleazar Ramirez - Provide bilingual LSSP support for the evaluation staff. Term ending 6/11/21 IdentiFie Special Education LLC./ Olivia Perez - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Evaluation staff to include but not limited to educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 SHC Services, Inc./ Mary Ann Lowry - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Evaluation staff to include but not limited to educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 Soliant Health Inc./ Catherine Mathews - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Evaluation staff to include but not limited to educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 Soliant Health Inc./ Jessica Reyes - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Evaluation staff to include but not limited to educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 East Texas Educational Contracting P.C./ Christine R. Cohen - To provide support to RISD's Evaluation Staff to include but not limited to education assessment, report writing, and attendance in ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 SHC Services, Inc./ Anne Marden - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Evaluation staff to include but not limited to educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 SHC Services, Inc./ Neely Armstrong - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Evaluation staff to include but not limited to educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 SHC Services, Inc. /Maggie Engels - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Speech Language Pathology Team to include but not limited to collaboration with campus teams, attendance in RtI meetings, comprehensive speech language therapy, writing IEPs, updating progress and attendance in ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 Kollar Educational Consulting, LLC / Tina Kollar - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Evaluation staff to include but not limited to educational assessment, report writing, and attendance of ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 SHC Services, Inc./ Sandi Huessner - To provide support to Richardson ISDs Speech Language Pathology Team to include but not limited to collaboration with campus teams, attendance in RtI meetings, comprehensive speech language therapy, writing IEPs, updating progress and attendance in ARD meetings. Term ending 6/11/21 R10 ESC - CARES Act PNP Cooperative (2020-2021) Andres Fuentes - To provide otological screening for students referred who are identified as hearing impaired and are provided services through the Deaf Education Program in RISD. Term ending 6/4/2021 QBS Inc. - Behavioral Safety Training to central office staff trainers Childrens Hospital Medical Center - Amendment to contract dated November 16, 2016 for technical assistance for implementation of Project SEARCH Part F: Cumulative Purchases - Information Only Cumulative Purchases from Qualified Vendors: Buy Board - Texas Association of School Boards CCGPF - Collin County Governmental Purchasing Forum CPGPC - Choice Partners DIR - State of Texas Department of Information Resources EPCNT - Education Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas ESC - Educational Service Center NCPA - National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance SOURCEWELL - Sourcewell (previously NJPA) OMNIA Partners - TCPN/IPA/US Communities PPPCP - Prospering Pals TCCPP - Tarrant County Cooperative Purchasing Program TIPS - The Interlocal Purchasing System TPASS - Texas Procurement and Support Services D. Schedule of Upcoming Bids Information Item E. Bond Expenditure Report Information Item F. Budget Status Report Information Item G. Monthly Financial Statements Information Item H. Superintendent's Delegated Authority During 2021 Winter Storm and Aftermath - Revised Resolution Action Item
ACTION / INFORMATION ITEMS Superintendent Update 1. COVID-19 Response 2. Inclement Weather Update 3. Update on Equity
Consider TEA Missed School Days Waiver
Consider 2021 - 2022 Calendar
Consider Gifts
2021 - 2022 Budget Discussion
Middle of the Year (MOY) Board Goals Update
V. ENTER CLOSED MEETING in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, including but not limited to Section 551.071 - Consultation with Attorney and Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters. A. Superintendent Evaluation VI. RECONVENE in Open Meeting to vote on matters considered in Closed Meeting, if applicable. IX. ADJOURNMENT