ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS A. Recognition of Schools, Students, Staff
VISITORS Comments from visitors who complete a card requesting to address Board Members
PUBLIC HEARING 3 A. Accelerated Instruction (EoC) Report
A. Minutes of May 7, May 10, and May 21, 2018 meetings 4-12 B. Human Resources Report-Consider appointment of 13-23 professional contract personnel; receive information on employee separation and appointment of non-contract personnel C. Recommended Specified Low Bids, 24-29 Contracts, Cumulative Purchases & Grants: 1. Bids: -Phase 1 Steel Package for Multi-Purpose Activity Centers at BHS, PHS, RHS -Concessionaire Services -CM@Risk for Multi-Purpose Activity Center, Additions and Renovations at LHHS -Beverage Vending Machines and Services -Armored Car and Bank Courier Services -Workers’ Compensation Third Party Claims Administration Services 2. Contracts: -Communities in Schools-Consultants providing direct program and related social services for at-risk students at MTE, FLA, TME, Springridge, Skyview, LHJH, FMJH, WJH, LJH, LHFC, and LHHS -National Student Clearinghouse, dba Hobson Naviance-Student tracker system and professional staff development services for College and Career Readiness (3year agreement) -Cumberland Therapy Services, LLC –Consultant providing special education support for assessments, reports, and ARD attendance -Elizabeth Morse-Liaison to the Texas Legislature for the Board of Trustees and Superintendent -Kris Oliver-Consultant providing management services to the Superintendent and her designees to facilitate the implementation of the major initiatives within the RISD Strategic Plan -Education Service Center Region 10-Providing TEKS Resource System curriculum management system for RISD -Principal Impact Collaborative-Program providing an innovative 2-year training with an elite group of North Texas Principals on leadership skills which can be networked and shared -University of Texas, Dallas, dba Institute for Urban Policy Research-Consultants conducting racial justice summit for 200 9-12 graders from all four high schools -Supplemental Health Care-Consultants providing support to Special Education with assessments, report writings, and ARD attendances -Sarah Nicole Pichardo-Consultant providing instruction to the PHS Color Guard 3. Cumulative Purchases: -BUY BOARD-Texas Association of School Boards -CCGPF-Collin County Governmental Purchasers Forum -CPGPC-Choice Partners Government Procurement Co-op -DIR-State of Texas Department of Information Services -EPCNT-Education Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas -NCPA-National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance -NJPA-National Joint Powers Alliance -PPPCP-Prospering Pals Purchasing Cooperative Program -TCCPP-Tarrant County Cooperative Purchasing Program -TCPN/IPA-Texas Cooperative Purchasing Network -TIPS-The Interlocal Purchasing System -TPASS-Texas Procurement and Support Services -U.S. Communities 4. Other: -Interlocal Agreement with DISD for Bus Radio Transmission Equipment -DIR-State of Texas Cooperative Purchasing Program -EPCNT membership dues -Dallas County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (DCJJAEP)- Memorandum of Understanding between the Dallas County Juvenile Board, ESC Region 10, Richardson ISD, and multiple educational entities throughout North Texas, providing alternative education programs to area youths who have been expelled from schools
Consider Acceptance of Preliminary Certification of Appraisal Roll
Consider Participation Authorization: Region 10 Services
Consider Gifts
Budget Discussion
Berkner STEM Overview
2019-2020 Academic Calendar Discussion
IX. CLOSED MEETING - If, during the course of the meeting, the Board of Trustees Should determine that a closed session is required, the Board will conduct a closed meeting In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, including but not limited to Section 551.071-Consultation with Attorney; 551.072-Real Property; 551.074-Personnel Matters; 551.076-Security Devices; 551.082-School Children/District Employees/Disciplinary Matter or Complaint; 551.0821-Personally Identifiable Student Information; 551.084-Investigation. X. RECONVENE Open Meeting to vote on Action matters considered in Closed Meeting, if applicable XI. ADJOURNMENT
ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS A. Recognition of Schools, Students, Staff
VISITORS Comments from visitors who complete a card requesting to address Board Members
PUBLIC HEARING 3 A. Accelerated Instruction (EoC) Report
A. Minutes of May 7, May 10, and May 21, 2018 meetings 4-12 B. Human Resources Report-Consider appointment of 13-23 professional contract personnel; receive information on employee separation and appointment of non-contract personnel C. Recommended Specified Low Bids, 24-29 Contracts, Cumulative Purchases & Grants: 1. Bids: -Phase 1 Steel Package for Multi-Purpose Activity Centers at BHS, PHS, RHS -Concessionaire Services -CM@Risk for Multi-Purpose Activity Center, Additions and Renovations at LHHS -Beverage Vending Machines and Services -Armored Car and Bank Courier Services -Workers’ Compensation Third Party Claims Administration Services 2. Contracts: -Communities in Schools-Consultants providing direct program and related social services for at-risk students at MTE, FLA, TME, Springridge, Skyview, LHJH, FMJH, WJH, LJH, LHFC, and LHHS -National Student Clearinghouse, dba Hobson Naviance-Student tracker system and professional staff development services for College and Career Readiness (3year agreement) -Cumberland Therapy Services, LLC –Consultant providing special education support for assessments, reports, and ARD attendance -Elizabeth Morse-Liaison to the Texas Legislature for the Board of Trustees and Superintendent -Kris Oliver-Consultant providing management services to the Superintendent and her designees to facilitate the implementation of the major initiatives within the RISD Strategic Plan -Education Service Center Region 10-Providing TEKS Resource System curriculum management system for RISD -Principal Impact Collaborative-Program providing an innovative 2-year training with an elite group of North Texas Principals on leadership skills which can be networked and shared -University of Texas, Dallas, dba Institute for Urban Policy Research-Consultants conducting racial justice summit for 200 9-12 graders from all four high schools -Supplemental Health Care-Consultants providing support to Special Education with assessments, report writings, and ARD attendances -Sarah Nicole Pichardo-Consultant providing instruction to the PHS Color Guard 3. Cumulative Purchases: -BUY BOARD-Texas Association of School Boards -CCGPF-Collin County Governmental Purchasers Forum -CPGPC-Choice Partners Government Procurement Co-op -DIR-State of Texas Department of Information Services -EPCNT-Education Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas -NCPA-National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance -NJPA-National Joint Powers Alliance -PPPCP-Prospering Pals Purchasing Cooperative Program -TCCPP-Tarrant County Cooperative Purchasing Program -TCPN/IPA-Texas Cooperative Purchasing Network -TIPS-The Interlocal Purchasing System -TPASS-Texas Procurement and Support Services -U.S. Communities 4. Other: -Interlocal Agreement with DISD for Bus Radio Transmission Equipment -DIR-State of Texas Cooperative Purchasing Program -EPCNT membership dues -Dallas County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (DCJJAEP)- Memorandum of Understanding between the Dallas County Juvenile Board, ESC Region 10, Richardson ISD, and multiple educational entities throughout North Texas, providing alternative education programs to area youths who have been expelled from schools
Consider Acceptance of Preliminary Certification of Appraisal Roll
Consider Participation Authorization: Region 10 Services
Consider Gifts
Budget Discussion
Berkner STEM Overview
2019-2020 Academic Calendar Discussion
IX. CLOSED MEETING - If, during the course of the meeting, the Board of Trustees Should determine that a closed session is required, the Board will conduct a closed meeting In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, including but not limited to Section 551.071-Consultation with Attorney; 551.072-Real Property; 551.074-Personnel Matters; 551.076-Security Devices; 551.082-School Children/District Employees/Disciplinary Matter or Complaint; 551.0821-Personally Identifiable Student Information; 551.084-Investigation. X. RECONVENE Open Meeting to vote on Action matters considered in Closed Meeting, if applicable XI. ADJOURNMENT