ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS A. Recognition of Schools, Students, Staff
VISITORS Comments from visitors who complete a card requesting to address Board Members
CONSENT/CONFIRMATION AGENDA ITEMS A. Minutes of April 3 and April 10, 2017 meetings 9-14 B. Human Resources Report-Consider appointment of professional contract personnel; receive information on employee separation and appointment of non-contract personnel C. Recommended Specified Low Bids, 15-40 Contracts, Cumulative Purchases & Grants: 1. Bids: -Internet Service Provider -Athletic/P.E. Equipment and Related Items 2. Contracts: -Hankins, Eastup, Deaton, Tonn & Seay-Certified Public Accountants providing an annual audit of financial statements for the year ending June 30, 2017 -Education Advisory Board-Forum providing superintendents and their staff with innovative solutions to strategic and management challenges - for a term of three years -The Flippen Group-Consultant providing Capturing Kids Hearts Staff Development training at Bowie Elementary -Kourtney Despres- Consultant providing freelance graphic design for the Communications Dept and RISD Newsletter -Stantec-Professional Services, Phase II and Phase III of district facility study 3. Cumulative Purchases: -BUY BOARD-Texas Association of School Boards -CCGPF-Collin County Governmental Purchasers Forum -CPGPC-Choice Partners Government Procurement Co-op -DIR-State of Texas Department of Information Services -EPCNT-Education Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas -NCPA-National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance -NJPA-National Joint Powers Alliance -PACE-Purchasing Association of Cooperative Entities -PPPCP-Prospering Pals Purchasing Cooperative Program -TCPN-Texas Cooperative Purchasing Network -TIPS-The Interlocal Purchasing System -TPASS-Texas Procurement and Support Services -U.S. Communities 4. Other: -Interlocal agreement between RISD and National IPA -Interlocal agreement between RISD and DCCCD related to data sharing -Interlocal agreement between RISD and Region 10 for Mentor Teacher Stipends D. Schedule of Upcoming Bids E. Bond Expenditure Report F. Quarterly Investment Report G. Schedule for Bond Project Design, Bids & Construction for 2016 Bond/April 60 H. Delinquent Tax Write-Offs I. Policy Updates- TASB Policy Update 107 and Other Local Policies CA (Local) Fiscal Management Goals and Objectives CDA (Local) Other Revenue: Investments CDC (Local) Other Revenues: Gifts and Solicitations CE (Local) Annual Operating Budget CFB (Local) Accounting: Inventories CHF (Local) Purchasing and Acquisition: Payment Procedures CJ (Local) Contracted Services CR (Local) Insurance and Annuities Management DC (Local) Employment Practices DEE (Local) Compensation and Benefits: Expense Reimbursement DFAA (Local) Probationary Contracts: Suspension/Termination During Contract DFBA (Local) Term Contracts: Suspension/Termination During Contract DFCA (Local) Continuing Contracts: Suspension/Termination FEA (Local) Attendance: Compulsory Attendance FJ (Local) Student Fundraising GE (Local) Relations with Parent Organizations
Recommended Specified Low Bids Contracts, Cumulative Purchases & Grants: -Renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding between RISD and Richardson Adult Literacy Center
ACTION/INFORMATION ITEMS Consider an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Action 97 Richardson Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2017 in the Not to Exceed Aggregate Principal Amount of $225,000,000; Providing for the Security and Payment Thereof; Providing for the Award of the Sale Thereof in Accordance with Specified Parameters; Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Purchase Contract and a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement Approving the Preparation of an Official Statement and Enacting Other Provisions Related Thereto
Consider Professional Staff Contract Recommendations for Offer, Non-Renewal, and/or Termination of Term and Probationary Contracts
Consider Frost Bank Designation of Officials
Consider Participation Authorization for Region 10 Services
Consider Budget Status Report
Consider Revision of Plat for Richardson High School
Consider Gifts
Construction Update
STAAR Scores Report
Discussion of Legislative Issues
HR/Compensation Discussion
VI. ENTER CLOSED MEETING in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.071-Consultation with Attorney and Section 551.074- Personnel Matters A. Consider Recommendations to Offer, Non-Renew, and/or Terminate Professional Contracts of Employment 1. K. Jones 2. C. Gillis B. Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, of public employees, including the Superintendent VII. RECONVENE Open Meeting to vote on Action matters considered in Closed Meeting VIII. CLOSED MEETING - If, during the course of the meeting, the Board of Trustees Should determine that a closed session is required, the Board will conduct a closed meeting In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, including but not limited to Section 551.071-Consultation with Attorney; 551.072-Real Property; 551.074-Personnel Matters; 551.076-Security Devices; 551.082-School Children/District Employees/Disciplinary Matter or Complaint; 551.0821-Personally Identifiable Student Information; 551.084-Investigation. IX. RECONVENE Open Meeting to vote on Action matters considered in Closed Meeting, if applicable X. ADJOURNMENT
ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS A. Recognition of Schools, Students, Staff
VISITORS Comments from visitors who complete a card requesting to address Board Members
CONSENT/CONFIRMATION AGENDA ITEMS A. Minutes of April 3 and April 10, 2017 meetings 9-14 B. Human Resources Report-Consider appointment of professional contract personnel; receive information on employee separation and appointment of non-contract personnel C. Recommended Specified Low Bids, 15-40 Contracts, Cumulative Purchases & Grants: 1. Bids: -Internet Service Provider -Athletic/P.E. Equipment and Related Items 2. Contracts: -Hankins, Eastup, Deaton, Tonn & Seay-Certified Public Accountants providing an annual audit of financial statements for the year ending June 30, 2017 -Education Advisory Board-Forum providing superintendents and their staff with innovative solutions to strategic and management challenges - for a term of three years -The Flippen Group-Consultant providing Capturing Kids Hearts Staff Development training at Bowie Elementary -Kourtney Despres- Consultant providing freelance graphic design for the Communications Dept and RISD Newsletter -Stantec-Professional Services, Phase II and Phase III of district facility study 3. Cumulative Purchases: -BUY BOARD-Texas Association of School Boards -CCGPF-Collin County Governmental Purchasers Forum -CPGPC-Choice Partners Government Procurement Co-op -DIR-State of Texas Department of Information Services -EPCNT-Education Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas -NCPA-National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance -NJPA-National Joint Powers Alliance -PACE-Purchasing Association of Cooperative Entities -PPPCP-Prospering Pals Purchasing Cooperative Program -TCPN-Texas Cooperative Purchasing Network -TIPS-The Interlocal Purchasing System -TPASS-Texas Procurement and Support Services -U.S. Communities 4. Other: -Interlocal agreement between RISD and National IPA -Interlocal agreement between RISD and DCCCD related to data sharing -Interlocal agreement between RISD and Region 10 for Mentor Teacher Stipends D. Schedule of Upcoming Bids E. Bond Expenditure Report F. Quarterly Investment Report G. Schedule for Bond Project Design, Bids & Construction for 2016 Bond/April 60 H. Delinquent Tax Write-Offs I. Policy Updates- TASB Policy Update 107 and Other Local Policies CA (Local) Fiscal Management Goals and Objectives CDA (Local) Other Revenue: Investments CDC (Local) Other Revenues: Gifts and Solicitations CE (Local) Annual Operating Budget CFB (Local) Accounting: Inventories CHF (Local) Purchasing and Acquisition: Payment Procedures CJ (Local) Contracted Services CR (Local) Insurance and Annuities Management DC (Local) Employment Practices DEE (Local) Compensation and Benefits: Expense Reimbursement DFAA (Local) Probationary Contracts: Suspension/Termination During Contract DFBA (Local) Term Contracts: Suspension/Termination During Contract DFCA (Local) Continuing Contracts: Suspension/Termination FEA (Local) Attendance: Compulsory Attendance FJ (Local) Student Fundraising GE (Local) Relations with Parent Organizations
Recommended Specified Low Bids Contracts, Cumulative Purchases & Grants: -Renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding between RISD and Richardson Adult Literacy Center
ACTION/INFORMATION ITEMS Consider an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Action 97 Richardson Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2017 in the Not to Exceed Aggregate Principal Amount of $225,000,000; Providing for the Security and Payment Thereof; Providing for the Award of the Sale Thereof in Accordance with Specified Parameters; Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Purchase Contract and a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement Approving the Preparation of an Official Statement and Enacting Other Provisions Related Thereto
Consider Professional Staff Contract Recommendations for Offer, Non-Renewal, and/or Termination of Term and Probationary Contracts
Consider Frost Bank Designation of Officials
Consider Participation Authorization for Region 10 Services
Consider Budget Status Report
Consider Revision of Plat for Richardson High School
Consider Gifts
Construction Update
STAAR Scores Report
Discussion of Legislative Issues
HR/Compensation Discussion
VI. ENTER CLOSED MEETING in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.071-Consultation with Attorney and Section 551.074- Personnel Matters A. Consider Recommendations to Offer, Non-Renew, and/or Terminate Professional Contracts of Employment 1. K. Jones 2. C. Gillis B. Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, of public employees, including the Superintendent VII. RECONVENE Open Meeting to vote on Action matters considered in Closed Meeting VIII. CLOSED MEETING - If, during the course of the meeting, the Board of Trustees Should determine that a closed session is required, the Board will conduct a closed meeting In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, including but not limited to Section 551.071-Consultation with Attorney; 551.072-Real Property; 551.074-Personnel Matters; 551.076-Security Devices; 551.082-School Children/District Employees/Disciplinary Matter or Complaint; 551.0821-Personally Identifiable Student Information; 551.084-Investigation. IX. RECONVENE Open Meeting to vote on Action matters considered in Closed Meeting, if applicable X. ADJOURNMENT