ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS A. Recognition of Schools, Students, Staff Information
VISITORS Comments from visitors who complete a card requesting to address Board Members
A. Minutes of September 12, September 19, and September 27, 2016 meetings 3-9 B. Human Resources Report-Consider appointment of 10-21 professional contract personnel; receive information on employee separation and appointment of non-contract personnel C. Recommended Specified Low Bids, 22-27 Contracts, Cumulative Purchases & Grants: 1. Bids: -Basic Life/AD&D/Supplemental Life/AD&D/ Retiree Life Coverage -Short-Term & Long-Term Disability Insurance -CTE Consultant Services 2. Contracts: -Dallas County Local Workforce Development Board, Inc. (Reimbursable services to provide an adult education and literacy program) -Education Service Center Region 10: Title III Bilingual/ESL (Providing support services for teachers and administrators through Bilingual and ESL programs) -University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Department of Pediatrics-Children’s Learning Institute (Providing Preschool Foundations Training, Pre-K Guidelines Training and Oral Language/Vocabulary Development Training) -Linda L. Sullivan (Consultant providing dyslexia training to teachers in compliance with the state dyslexia law for a longer contract duration) -InterContinental Dallas (Venue for PHS Senior Prom) -Martha J. Glover (Consultant providing orientation and mobility services to visually impaired students) -ECHO Education (“Texas History Alive” field trip to Austin for MST students) -Education Service Center Region 10: Counselor Initiative and Student Support (Providing consultations, resources, training, and technical assistance to counselors) 3. Cumulative Purchases: -BUY BOARD-Texas Association of School Boards -CCGPF-Collin County Government Procurement Group -CPGPC-Choice Partners Government Procurement Co-op -DIR-State of Texas Dept of Information Resources -EPCNT-Education Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas -NCPA-National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance -NJPA-National Joint Powers Alliance -PPPCP-Prospering Pals Purchasing Cooperative Program -TCPN-Texas Cooperative Purchasing Network -TIPS-The Interlocal Purchasing System -TPASS-Texas Procurement and Support Services -TXMAS- Texas Multiple Award Schedule -U.S. Communities D. Schedule of Upcoming Bids 28-29 E. Bond Expenditure Report 30-32 F. Alternative Funding Sources 33-37 G. Schedule for Bond Project Design, Bids & 38 Construction for 2016 Bond/September
Consider Maximum Class Size Waiver
Consider Campus Improvement Plans
Consider Budget Status Report-Annual Budget
Consider Gifts
Policy Review–CDA (Local) Other Revenues: Investments
Fine Arts Update
VI. ENTER CLOSED MEETING in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.071-Consultation with Attorney and Section 551.074- Personnel Matters A. To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, of public employees, including the Interim Superintendent VII. RECONVENE Open Meeting to vote on Action matters considered in Closed Meeting X. ADJOURNMENT
ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS A. Recognition of Schools, Students, Staff Information
VISITORS Comments from visitors who complete a card requesting to address Board Members
A. Minutes of September 12, September 19, and September 27, 2016 meetings 3-9 B. Human Resources Report-Consider appointment of 10-21 professional contract personnel; receive information on employee separation and appointment of non-contract personnel C. Recommended Specified Low Bids, 22-27 Contracts, Cumulative Purchases & Grants: 1. Bids: -Basic Life/AD&D/Supplemental Life/AD&D/ Retiree Life Coverage -Short-Term & Long-Term Disability Insurance -CTE Consultant Services 2. Contracts: -Dallas County Local Workforce Development Board, Inc. (Reimbursable services to provide an adult education and literacy program) -Education Service Center Region 10: Title III Bilingual/ESL (Providing support services for teachers and administrators through Bilingual and ESL programs) -University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Department of Pediatrics-Children’s Learning Institute (Providing Preschool Foundations Training, Pre-K Guidelines Training and Oral Language/Vocabulary Development Training) -Linda L. Sullivan (Consultant providing dyslexia training to teachers in compliance with the state dyslexia law for a longer contract duration) -InterContinental Dallas (Venue for PHS Senior Prom) -Martha J. Glover (Consultant providing orientation and mobility services to visually impaired students) -ECHO Education (“Texas History Alive” field trip to Austin for MST students) -Education Service Center Region 10: Counselor Initiative and Student Support (Providing consultations, resources, training, and technical assistance to counselors) 3. Cumulative Purchases: -BUY BOARD-Texas Association of School Boards -CCGPF-Collin County Government Procurement Group -CPGPC-Choice Partners Government Procurement Co-op -DIR-State of Texas Dept of Information Resources -EPCNT-Education Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas -NCPA-National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance -NJPA-National Joint Powers Alliance -PPPCP-Prospering Pals Purchasing Cooperative Program -TCPN-Texas Cooperative Purchasing Network -TIPS-The Interlocal Purchasing System -TPASS-Texas Procurement and Support Services -TXMAS- Texas Multiple Award Schedule -U.S. Communities D. Schedule of Upcoming Bids 28-29 E. Bond Expenditure Report 30-32 F. Alternative Funding Sources 33-37 G. Schedule for Bond Project Design, Bids & 38 Construction for 2016 Bond/September
Consider Maximum Class Size Waiver
Consider Campus Improvement Plans
Consider Budget Status Report-Annual Budget
Consider Gifts
Policy Review–CDA (Local) Other Revenues: Investments
Fine Arts Update
VI. ENTER CLOSED MEETING in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.071-Consultation with Attorney and Section 551.074- Personnel Matters A. To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, of public employees, including the Interim Superintendent VII. RECONVENE Open Meeting to vote on Action matters considered in Closed Meeting X. ADJOURNMENT